• Erlinna Juita Akademi Kesehatan John Paul II Pekanbaru


Despite the fact that English is adopted as compulsory subject in higher education and extended period of learning, students still have low proficiency level. Thus, studies on students’ proficiency level need to be conducted for an effectively designed classroom activities. The purpose of this study was to assess students’ speaking skills to obtain a comprehensive review. The population of this study was students of Akademi Kesehatan John Paul II Pekanbaru. The instrument of this study was rubric assessment with four aspects assessed: grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and pronunciation. The average speaking performance was 2.25 in satisfactory level. The lowest result was grammar with the average score of 2.56 in satisfactory category, whereas the highest result was pronunciation, 3.08, good category. The results of vocabulary and fluency were 2.79 and 2.82 in satisfactory level. In conclusion, students’ speaking performances were still in satisfactory level. Improvements were needed in grammar, vocabulary and fluency


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How to Cite
Juita, E. (2021). SPEAKING ASSESSMENT FOR STUDENTS OF MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY. Journey: Journal of English Language and Pedagogy, 4(1), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.33503/journey.v4i1.1227
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