• Tutut Nani Prihatmi Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang
Keywords: WhatsApp group, e-learning supporting media, students’ perspectives


This study investigates the students' perception of using WhatsApp Group as a supporting medium in English Course e-learning. The overall learning course was using a web-based LMS named SPADA ITN Malang and partially using Google Meet. This study's research design is survey research with the help of online questionnaires on Google Form. The respondents were fifty students of the Informatics Engineering department at the National Institute of Technology Malang. The research findings showed that the students had high positive perceptions toward the English course WA group regarding ease-of-use, usefulness, and communication. This study suggests that the WA group's utilization in every course is essential to help students gain more understanding of the materials delivered on SPADA and bridge the lecturer-students communication gap during the e-learning process.


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How to Cite
Prihatmi, T. (2021). UTILIZING WHATSAPP GROUP AS A SUPPORTING MEDIUM IN ENGLISH COURSE E-LEARNING: STUDENTS’ PERSPECTIVES. Journey: Journal of English Language and Pedagogy, 4(1), 23-28. https://doi.org/10.33503/journey.v4i1.1255
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