• Christin Natalia Hutagalung Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Ira Tresnawati Sitorus Universitas Prima Indonesia
Keywords: speaking skill, motivation,, small group discussion


English is an international language that has been learned by every country in the world and also Indonesia.In learning English, students should acquire the four skills that are reading, writing,listening and speaking. These four skills are abilities that are mandatory for everyone who wants to learn English. Specifically speaking.Speaking is quite important to be owned to students.It is also statedin the English syllabus of Curriculum 2013 (K-13) torequire students to be able to express and response some kinds of expression orallyin English.In reality, many students are still poor in speaking English. This research classified certain aspects into two classes namely the control class and the experimental class. In the experimental class and the control class the researcher used the pre-test and post-test methods throughout the study. As a sample or research subject, researchers worked with seventh grade students at the Masehi General High School, Medan.


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How to Cite
Hutagalung, C., & Sitorus, I. (2020). THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION ON STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILL. Journey: Journal of English Language and Pedagogy, 3(1), 6-13.
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