Journey: Journal of English Language and Pedagogy <p style="text-align: justify;">Recently accreditated Sinta 4, <strong>Journey: Journal of English Language and Pedagogy</strong> accepts articles in the form of analyses, studies, application of theories, research reports, materials development, and reviews on English Teaching Pedagogy, Linguistics, and Literature that have never been published anywhere else or submitted for consideration. This journal aims at supporting the intellectual and practical development of lecturers, researchers, and practitioners, especially on English Language Teaching and Literature, to enhance their professional development. Journey, registered with P-ISSN&nbsp;<a href=";1537213266&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2623-0356</a> and E-ISSN&nbsp;<a href=";1538612605&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2654-5586</a>, publishes its articles in March, July, and November each year<strong>.</strong></p> IKIP Budi Utomo Malang en-US Journey: Journal of English Language and Pedagogy 2623-0356 <p><a href="" rel="license"><img src="" alt="Creative Commons License"></a><br>Journey: Journal of English Language and&nbsp;Pedagogy by <a href=""></a>&nbsp;is licensed under a <a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.</p> Students’ Learning Strategies in Oral Productions Across Speaking Proficiencies <p>Speaking skills are generally perceived as the measurement of the success of English Language Teaching (ELT), yet these skills are considered very hard to achieve. In fact, there have been different levels of speaking proficiencies among students. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the oral production learning strategies used by high and low proficiency English Education students. The design of this study was descriptive qualitative. Ten third semester English Education students of Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang were included. In collecting the data, the researchers used three instruments, especially a speaking test, documentation, questionnaires, and interview. The results show that the students with high speaking proficiency have higher motivation and use all kinds of strategies in the same frequency. Meanwhile, the students with low speaking proficiency use metacognitive, cognitive, and memory strategies. However, they did not use these strategies with the same frequency, where the lowest percentage of strategies used were affective and compensatory. The results suggest that students should choose learning strategies based on their needs. Students should use all learning strategies to improve their speaking skills. The implications and suggestions of the research are also discussed.</p> Yohana Rosmeritati Amin Teguh Sulistyo Riza Weganofa Siane Herawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-25 2024-03-25 7 1 1 13 10.33503/journey.v7i1.3800 Development of Soft Skills in Teaching English to Agriculture Students <p>This study investigates the integration of soft skills within English learning experiences for English for Business Class participants, focusing on their relevance to future careers in agriculture. A narrative research design was employed in the study to delve into participants' English learning journeys and identify the most pertinent soft skills cultivated through learning activities. Semi-structured interviews are the primary data collection technique, allowing in-depth exploration of participants' experiences. Language appraisal and emotional geography analyses dissect the narratives and discern the most relevant soft skills for agricultural graduates. The analysis reveals many soft skills, including communication, problem-solving, decision-making, digital literacy, leadership, teamwork, critical and creative thinking, presentation skills, and reflection, all essential for navigating the complexities of agricultural work environments. These findings underscore the importance of integrating soft skills into English language learning curricula, particularly for students pursuing careers in agriculture. The study has implications for updating learning methodologies, refining teaching materials, and designing English learning activities tailored to the specific needs of agricultural professionals</p> Hafida Ruminar ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-25 2024-03-25 7 1 14 28 10.33503/journey.v7i1.3808 Developing Flash Card Media to Teach Writing Skill for Eighth Grade Students at MTs Annur Bululawang <p>This research, rooted in the need to address challenges in English writing skills among eighth-grade students at MTs Annur Bululawang, adopts a Research and Development (R&amp;D) approach, specifically employing the ADDIE model. The study focuses on the innovative use of flashcard-based learning media, acknowledging the critical role of English proficiency in accessing scientific and technological knowledge in Indonesia. Through expert validation and student responses, the research demonstrates the effectiveness of the flashcard media, with professional validation scoring a robust 90% accuracy rate. Student and teacher responses, gathered through questionnaires, further affirm the impact, with an 89.4% agreement rate from students and a 92% agreement rate from teachers. These findings underscore the significance of multimedia tools, particularly flashcards, in enhancing creative writing skills and contributing to innovative English language learning methodologies for students at MTs Annur Bululawang.</p> Richa Anastasia Hoppy Puspita Tyas Alhim Mubarok Istina Atul Ma’rifah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-25 2024-03-25 7 1 29 40 10.33503/journey.v7i1.3970 Self Directed Learning Scale at University Context <p>This research was carried out to investigate a relationship between self-directedness, self-involvement, expressive language, self-assessment, language varieties, metacognitive skills, editing and problem solving, text processing, knowledge rehearsal, idea planning, goal oriented monitoring and evaluating, peer learning, feedback handling, interest enhancement, motivational self-talk, and emotional control and&nbsp; the main and forming factors of self-directedness, self-involvement, expressive language, self-assessment, language varieties, metacognitive skills, editing and problem solving, text processing, knowledge rehearsal, idea planning, goal oriented monitoring and evaluating, peer learning, feedback handling, interest enhancing, motivational self-talk, and emotional control of self directed learning. A convenience sample approach was used to recruit English majors from a range of State University of Yogyakarta. All participants were recruited intentionally, and that they were informed that they might leave the study at any moment either during collecting data. The participant criteria include second-year English major students from various State Universities of Yogyakarta. As the result of pearson correlation in this research, it was found that there was a substantial relationship between the variables examined in this research. Moreover, as the result of factor analysis in this research was found that from the 11 variables included in the research namely self involvement, expressive language, self assessment, language varieties, metacognitive skills, editing and problem solving, Cognition, Metacognition, Social Behavior, and Motivational Regulation, they can be grouped into two main factors. &nbsp;The implications of these findings lie in a deeper understanding of the underlying conceptual structure of self-directed learning in a university context. With the identification of the key factors emerging from these variables, a more focused approach can be developed to enhance students' self-directed learning. This can also aid in the development of more precise and measurable assessment instruments to gauge progress in crucial aspects of self-directed learning. Thus, the implications of these findings can enrich teaching and learning practices in higher education settings.</p> Masrul Masrul Sri Yuliani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-25 2024-03-25 7 1 41 56 10.33503/journey.v7i1.3989 Investigating the Implementation of ChatGPT in English Language Education <p>In the era of rapid advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI), ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer) emerges as a pivotal tool reshaping educational landscapes. This research, based on self-determination theory, investigates how ChatGPT influences the motivation and academic performance of 35 seventh-semester English education students. Utilizing mixed methods, it contrasts the experiences of 25 ChatGPT users with those of 10 non-users. The quantitative analysis demonstrates notably higher levels of motivation and GPAs among ChatGPT users (with a mean motivation score of 44.88 and a mean GPA of 3.63) compared to non-users (with a mean motivation score of 17.60 and a mean GPA of 3.06). Qualitative insights highlight themes such as 'Improved Comprehension and Independent Learning' and 'Increased Academic Efficiency and Productivity,' illustrating how ChatGPT supports effective and thorough learning experiences. In keeping with the tenets of self-determination theory, these results demonstrate that ChatGPT has a beneficial effect on students' motivation. The study also recommends more experimental studies to investigate how students' motivation and performance can be improved by using ChatGPT.</p> Mohammad Yusfi Afkarin Candra Hadi Asmara ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-25 2024-03-25 7 1 57 66 10.33503/journey.v7i1.4000 Students’ Perception Toward English Meeting Club of Their Speaking Skill <p>This research aims to assess the students' perceptions of English meeting club of their speaking in the language. Istiqlal Islamic Boarding School's English class chose three students to participate in the research. The researchers used a descriptive qualitative method and collected data using two steps: an observational and an interview. &nbsp;The result of this research is majority of students in this research had a positive perception of English meeting club. The students are believing that by joining the English club, they would be able to improve their speaking skills. Another thing the student thought would help them improve their communication skills, especially their pronunciation, was going to English club meetings. On top of that, it might stand in for students who have problems with public speaking fear and low confidence.</p> Novi Dwi Harzanah Muhammad Hifdil Islam Beny Hamdany ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-25 2024-03-25 7 1 67 75 10.33503/journey.v7i1.4014 “ I Get Blank When I Start Writing’’ Analysis of EFL Student’s Anxiety in Writing Descriptive Text <p>In various educational worlds, of course, we learn foreign languages, one of which is English. English is challenging and can cause anxiety, one of which is in writing. English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners often face many challenges when it comes to developing their writing skills. The recent research aims to discuss EFL students’ anxiety in writing descriptive text. This study used narrative inquiry.&nbsp; A narrative inquiry explore the experiences and feelings of an EFL students’ writing anxiety. The research participants are two students. These two students were taken from 1 Senior high school student and one was taken from Junior high school. Data collection uses semi-structured interview with 45 minutes. The interviews were held at a private Islamic boarding school in Probolinggo East Java. Data Analysis uses thematic Analysis. The results of this study reveal that students' writing anxiety level is still relatively high, therefore, teacher motivation and guidance to students must be increased so that students can deal with or evaluate writing anxiety experienced by students. Finally, in learning English as a second language (ESL), it is important for students to have adequate vocabulary knowledge so that they are not confused and anxious to write English texts.</p> Yuyun Puspita Sari Abu Yazid Adnan Quthny Beny Hamdani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-26 2024-03-26 7 1 76 85 10.33503/journey.v7i1.4016 Undergraduate Students’ Perception on Using Ome tv as a Tool in Improving English Speaking Skill <p>One of the obstacles to learning English as a foreign language, especially speaking skills, is the lack of practice outside the classroom.&nbsp; In this globalization era, there are a lot of media options available that can be used as learning tools, such as Ome TV, a social media platform that can be used as a useful alternative for practicing English-speaking skills outside the classroom.&nbsp; This research aims to find students' perceptions of the use of Ome TV to improve their English-speaking skills.&nbsp; This research uses a qualitative-descriptive method.&nbsp; This research uses interviews to collect data. The participants in this research were six students from the English education department.&nbsp; The results of this research reveal that Ome TV provides English learners the opportunity to practice speaking English with foreigners from various countries via video chat.&nbsp; Using Ome TV is very effective for improving English speaking skills, which include fluency, pronunciation, expanding vocabulary, and improving English communication skills.&nbsp; Ome TV is effective for English-speaking skills, but it is not effective for aspects of English accuracy because Ome TV is a random video chat.</p> Hasibul Jalil Muhammad Hifdil Islam Beny Hamdany ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-26 2024-03-26 7 1 86 94 10.33503/journey.v7i1.4017 The MBKM Programs in The Higher Education Settings: EFL Students’ Expectations <p>The Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka or Emancipated Learning-Independent Campus, hereinafter called MBKM, was launched by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology in 2020. In consequence, several higher education institutions may implement the MBKM curriculum. This study attempts to explore EFL students’ expectations towards eight programs of the MBKM. This study utilized qualitative descriptive, and the data were obtained through open-ended questions. Furthermore, 33 students in the sixth semester of the English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) participated as the respondents. The data were analyzed descriptively by describing the students’ expectations towards the MBKM programs in their study program. The findings revealed that they have high expectations for each program of MBKM, for instance, the Internship program provides a real-life experience, and clear job descriptions for students from different majors. The next program, the Teaching Assistance provides students opportunities to teach in the class and improve their teaching skills. Meanwhile, the Research activities enhance students’ critical thinking skills, problem-solving, article publication, and knowledge of research methods. Furthermore, the Humanity project enhances students’ social sensitivity to community issues. The Entrepreneur program facilitates students in the business sector and reduces unemployment in Indonesia. The Independent project enhances students’ innovative ideas and increases students’ bargaining power at both national and international levels. The last program, the Community service facilitates students to identify communities’ problems, and develop the village. The implication of the MBKM curriculum will positively contributed to the successful of the best practice of the aforementioned programs in each higher institution in the near future.</p> Kikin Febi Alamsyah Sayit Abdul Karim ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-26 2024-03-26 7 1 95 109 10.33503/journey.v7i1.4022 The Use of QuillBot in Academic Writing <p>In recent years, QuillBot, an AI-powered writing assistance tool, has gained significant attention within the academic writing sphere due to its innovative features to enhance productivity and improve the quality of written content. This study, employing the systematic literature review method, aims to explore the use of QuillBot in academic writing. A total of seventeen research publications published between 2018 and 2024 were included in this study. These articles were gathered from reliable databases such as Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar, ResearchGate, Emerald Insight Journals, Springer, ScienceDirect, and Taylor &amp; Francis. The findings discovered that, while users value its time-saving features, concerns regarding overreliance and potentially hindering critical skills development exist. QuillBot significantly enhances writing quality and efficiency by detecting errors, paraphrasing, and expanding vocabulary. It also addresses language barriers and plagiarism concerns. Additionally, its function as a complement to autonomous writing and critical thinking was highlighted, and caution against over-reliance was suggested. Therefore, further research is needed to examine its influence on academic performance, effectiveness across linguistic contexts, and function in writing instruction.</p> Siti Latifah Abdul Muth'im Nasrullah Nasrullah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-26 2024-03-26 7 1 110 121 10.33503/journey.v7i1.4047 Investigating Engineering Students’ Needs for ICT Integration in ESP Classes <p>The innovations in science and technology and the continuous development of educational theories and methods have urged the need for creative uses of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in English language teaching in Moroccan Higher Education and especially in the teaching and learning of English for Specific Purposes (ESP). For this reason and others, the present study aims to investigate the integration of ICT in ESP classes by identifying engineering students’ needs for ICT integration in ESP classes at the Engineering school (ENSAM), Meknes. To meet this aim, the study adopted a quantitative method approach, which utilized a close-ended questionnaire administered to 64 civil engineering students. The data gathered was analyzed through Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS). The results revealed the significance of ICT integration in ESP classes for Engineering students. Furthermore, the students expressed a number of lacks and necessities to improve their English proficiency level in general. The current research contributes to expanding literature on ESP in Morocco. Additionally, the implications and recommendations proposed will guide future practices and reforms in ESP teaching and learning.</p> Souad Belabcir ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-29 2024-03-29 7 1 122 139 10.33503/journey.v7i1.4001 Comparative Analysis of Final Presidential Debate Closing Statements <p>This paper analyzed the closing statements of three presidential candidates in Indonesia: Anies Baswedan, Prabowo Subianto, and Ganjar Pranowo. Through a comparative qualitative examination, communication strategies and leadership qualities were evaluated. The objective of this study is to identify the key themes and rhetorical strategies employed by Anies Baswedan, Prabowo Subianto and Ganjar Pranowo in their closing statements; and second, to assess the effectiveness of these strategies in conveying leadership qualities and policy priorities to the electorate. The closing statements of the candidates were transcribed verbatim from recorded debate session. The primary instrument used for data collection was audio/video recordings of the final presidential debate. In conclusion, effective communication played a pivotal role in shaping public perception and influencing electoral outcomes by understanding the nuances of each candidate's rhetorical strategies, future research can provide valuable insights for political communication and leadership in Indonesia.</p> Meiyanti Nurchaerani Nurannafi Farni Syam Maella Alfian Alfian Iwan Joko Prasetyo ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-29 2024-03-29 7 1 140 145 10.33503/journey.v7i1.4043 Teaching English in the Philippine: Pre-Service Teachers’ Identity Development During the International Teaching Practicum <p>English pre-service teachers find teaching English abroad to be a memorable experience. It influences the type of teacher they will become in the future. Through the perspective of teacher identity, this study aims to describe how two Indonesian pre-service teachers in the English education department, during a teaching practicum in the Philippines, developed their teacher identity and how they overcome the challenges. This research focused on two fourth-year students from the English Education department of a private university in Yogyakarta who completed a one-month international teaching practicum in the Philippines.&nbsp;The data were gathered through semi-structured interviews and subsequently investigated thematically from the perspective of the teachers' identities, and then presneted narratively. It was discovered that the biographies of the pre-service teachers served as the starting point for their teachers' identity development. Throughout the international teaching practicum, the development of their teacher identity was influenced by their emotional reactions, their teaching methods, and their symbolic representation. In the international teaching setting, the student teacher received psychological and technical assistance to overcome the challenges of their practice. This support played a crucial role in the successful completion of the program and contributed to the development of their professional identity as teachers. The findings demonstrate the importance of international teaching experience, prompting universities to prioritize the teaching practicum. Additionally, the university should expand its international exchange programs, focusing on teaching practicum programs.</p> Arilia Triyoga Ratri Nur Hidayati Soffi Widyanesti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-29 2024-03-29 7 1 146 160 10.33503/journey.v7i1.4057 Teaching English to Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) <p>Students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) typically show a unique pattern in their language learning. This fact has been documented in a number of earlier investigations. However, it was discovered that Indonesian teachers and educational institutions were insufficiently prepared to fulfill the needs of their students, both in terms of teaching strategies and the material development. This study then aimed at examining appropriate strategies of teaching English to ASD students as well as finding out the challenges faced by teacher in teaching English in the classroom. The research design of this study was case study research with qualitative approach. The participant of this study was English teacher at SLBN 01 Lombok Timur chosen using purposive sampling. The researchers used documentation, in-depth interviews, and observation to acquire data. The results revealed that the teacher faced some challenges in teaching ASD students, such as lack of focus and concentration during teaching and learning process and speech delay. To address these issues, the teacher and school principle used some strategies to teach children with autism, namely developing oral language comprehension and developing lesson plan with visual media to help the student learn English as a foreign language</p> Siti Maysuroh Astrid Dwimaulani Laila Wati Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurul Yusri ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-23 2024-04-23 7 1 161 167 10.33503/journey.v7i1.3932