Fitness Of West Kalimantan Martial Arts PON Athletes: Independent Limited Exercise During Covid-19

  • Victor G Simanjuntak Universitas Tanjungpura
  • Novi Yanti Universitas Tanjungpura
Keywords: Fitness, Martial Arts, Covid-19


Fitness is the ability and ability of the body to adjust to physical loading without significant fatigue. Physical activity is one way to create endurance and a fit body. Good endurance is very much needed by martial arts athletes, especially during this Covid-19 period, both in the daily training process and when competing. This study aims to analyze and determine the fitness level of athletes in martial arts during limited independent training, using a survey method in the form of descriptive research. The population is PON 2021 West Kalimantan athletes in martial sports, using a total sampling technique where the sample used is all athletes PON XX 2021 West Kalimantan in martial arts, totaling 12 athletes. The results of the fitness item test found that the average endurance ability was 42.69 (very poor category), average speed was 5.04 (poor category), average agility was 14.38 (enough category), average balance was 14.38 (enough category), average flexibility 18.59 (very good category). The conclusion from this study still needs special attention, especially in fixing some of the supporting elements of fitness that are still not in good condition, with a poor level of fitness it will have an impact on health, especially during the Covid-19 period so that it can affect the athlete's performance.


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How to Cite
Simanjuntak, V., & Yanti, N. (2021). Fitness Of West Kalimantan Martial Arts PON Athletes: Independent Limited Exercise During Covid-19. Jp.Jok (Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani, Olahraga Dan Kesehatan), 5(1), 26-39.
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