Anthropometry and Physical Condition Profile of Bhayangkara FC Professional Football Athletes

  • Rumi iqbal Doewes universitas sebelas maret
  • Singgih Hendarto Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Pomo Warih Adi Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Hendrig Joko Prasetyo Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Manshuralhudroli Manshuralhudroli Universitas Sebelas Maret
Keywords: Profile, Anthropometry, Physical Condition, Football


The purpose of this study was to investigate the anthropometry and physical condition profile of Bhayangkara FC professional football athletes. The research was conducted by survey. The research sample amounted to 19 athletes. Data were collected through anthropometric measurements including weight, height, and leg length as well as physical condition tests including 30 meter sprint, illinois, sit and reach, vertical jump, Yo Yo Fitness test. The data were analyzed by T-score and then categorized on a scale of very good to very poor. The results showed that the anthropometric profile of Bhayangkara FC professional football athletes were mostly in the moderate category (8 athletes/42.11%), while the others were in the poor category (5 athletes/26.32%), good (3 athletes/15.79%), good once (2 athletes/10.53 %), and less than once (1 athlete 5.26 %). The study also showed that the physical condition profile of Bhayangkara FC professional football athletes were mostly in the moderate category (10 athletes/52.63%), while the others were in the good category (4 athletes/21.05%), less (3 athletes/15.79%), very good (1 athlete/5.26 %), and very poor (1 athlete/5.26 %). In conclusion, the mean anthropometric profile of Bhayangkara FC professional football athletes showed a moderate category and the mean physical condition profile of Bhayangkara FC professional football athletes showed a moderate category.


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How to Cite
Doewes, R., Hendarto, S., Adi, P., Prasetyo, H., & Manshuralhudroli, M. (2021). Anthropometry and Physical Condition Profile of Bhayangkara FC Professional Football Athletes. Jp.Jok (Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani, Olahraga Dan Kesehatan), 5(1), 40-52.
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