Multivariate Regression Analysis Of The Physical Conditions Of Athletic Archeries In Pre Pon West Kalimantan

  • Isti Dwi Puspita Wati UNTAN
  • A’yunin Sofro Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: VO2max;, Flexibility, Multivariate Multiple Regression


For athlete's physical condition is one of the things that must be considered. One of them is the VO2maks capacity. VO2maks capacity is the body's ability to enter as much oxygen as possible into the lungs. The oxygen that managed to enter will then be distributed throughout the body to sufficient. Apart from the O2 carrying capacity, an archery athlete also needs flexibility. Flexibility must be possessed to prevent injury. This study aimed to explore and determine the effect of HB and BMI levels on the VO2maks capacity and flexibility of athletes. This research is descriptive correlational research. The sample is archery athletes as many as 24 athletes. The measurement of VO2maks was carried out using the bleep test and HB with the Hb test, while flexibility was carried out using the sit and reach test and BMI by measuring the athlete's height and weight. Based on the r multivariate multiple regression analysis, it can be concluded that the levels of HB and BMI do not significantly affect the VO2 maks capacity and flexibility of athletes. Significant figures of 0.2583 and 0.2328 indicate this.


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How to Cite
Puspita Wati, I., & Sofro, A. (2021). Multivariate Regression Analysis Of The Physical Conditions Of Athletic Archeries In Pre Pon West Kalimantan. Jp.Jok (Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani, Olahraga Dan Kesehatan), 5(1), 210-219.
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