Sport Specific Class Analysis And Urgency

  • Adi S Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sunan Giri Bojonegoro
  • Tommy Soenyoto
Keywords: Special Class Of Sports, Athletes, Students


Talent if not planned it will be in vain its capabilities. Not yet marketed a place for fostering sports achievement at the junior high school level. This study analyzes and looks at the urgency of the Special Sports Class is believed to have completed the discussion. Location of research in Semarang City with qualitative research. Data collection techniques by observation, interview, documentation and triangulation. Not yet optimal results in student sports, athlete students still rely on general subjects, difficulty in getting dispensation and coordination is not optimal is a strategic problem. The results of the SWOT analysis in general are: increasing cooperation, improving the quality of sports coaching through the use of science and technology, and utilizing the quality of human resources to support the strengthening and aspirations of the community. In terms of urgency: Local governments work together to formulate relevant requirements and policies so that athlete systems improve quality. Semarang City's research results were able to realize the program. Policy is the first step to start a special pathway as a form of practical implementation of the Semarang City Regional Regulation on Sports Organization. Semarang city. Special Sports Classes in the near future. The Special Sports Class not only discusses students' interests and talents in sports, but also encourages students to excel in sports. Special sports classes that are fully managed adequately improve the quality of Semarang city.


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How to Cite
S, A., & Soenyoto, T. (2020). Sport Specific Class Analysis And Urgency. Jp.Jok (Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani, Olahraga Dan Kesehatan), 3(2), 192-200.
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