Differences Influence Of Ladder Drill Scissor Hops And Icky Shuffle Training On Improvements Prosperity And Speed In Pencak Silat Athletes

  • Rojil Ghufron Pascasarjana IKIP Budi Utomo malang
  • Adi Sucipto IKIP Budi Utomo Malang
  • Susilo Bekti IKIP Budi Utomo Malang
Keywords: Ladder Drill Scissor Hops, Ladder Drill Icky Shuffle, Kelincahan, Kecepatan, Pencak Silat.


The purpose of this study was to analyze effect of ladder drill scissor hops dan ladder drill icky shuffle on agility and speed in pencak silat athletes. This studi use experimental method with two groups of pretest-posttest design was. Data analysis using quantitative descriptive statistics and t test. The sample consisted of two groups, 10 students were given the ladder drill scissor hops exercise, and 10 students were given the ladder drill icky shuffle. Do exercise for 6 weeks with three exercises per week. Data collected are the 30 meter test to retrieve running speed data and the Illionis Agility Test to retrieve agility data. The results showed the value of the t test agility between groups shows the sig-2 tailed value 0.864>0.05 and the results of the t-speed test show the sig-2 tailed value 0.297>0.05 so that Ho accepted which means both agility and speed have increased but both are not significantly different between the ladder drll scissor hops and the ladder drill icky shuffle.


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How to Cite
Ghufron, R., Sucipto, A., & Bekti, S. (2020). Differences Influence Of Ladder Drill Scissor Hops And Icky Shuffle Training On Improvements Prosperity And Speed In Pencak Silat Athletes. Jp.Jok (Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani, Olahraga Dan Kesehatan), 3(2), 227-235. https://doi.org/10.33503/jp.jok.v3i2.798
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