Outdoor Education Of Emphathy Student

  • Budiman Budiman STKIP Pasundan
  • Ruslan Rusmana STKIP Pasundan
  • Lingling Usli Wargadinata STKIP Pasundan
Keywords: Outdoor Education, , Empathy, Students


The essence of the research studies that researchers carried out were to obtain data and research on the impact of outdoor education on student empathy. This method uses an experimental method while the village uses a randomized control group test pre-test final design. The population is students of class VIII Junior High School III Bayongbong with a total of two hundred and six (206) people. Sixty samples were taken, selected using a random sampling technique. These random results, obtained thirty samples of the experimental group and thirty samples of the control team. The measuring instrument used in measuring empathy behavior uses an empathy scale test that has been tested for its validity and reliability. In calculating the hypothesis testing statistics using the SPSS 23 application through paired t-test Paired sample t test. The final data from the results of data analysis can be seen that outdoor activities have an influence on empathy behavior. The results obtained are Sig.2tailed 0, 000 <α0, 05. From the results of data processing and analysis, it can be ignored that outdoor education has a significant effect on student empathy


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How to Cite
Budiman, B., Rusmana, R., & Wargadinata, L. (2020). Outdoor Education Of Emphathy Student. Jp.Jok (Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani, Olahraga Dan Kesehatan), 4(1), 117-127. https://doi.org/10.33503/jp.jok.v4i1.873
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