JPM PAMBUDI <p style="text-align: justify;">JPM Pambudi merupakan jurnal yang dikelola dibawah unit Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat IKIP Budi Utomo Malang. Jurnal yang berbasis pada pengabdian masyarakat ini difokuskan pada empat (4) Pilar isu-isu unggulan Perguruan tinggi IKIP Budi Utomo Malang, yaitu: pengabdian yang konsen pada isu isu pendidikan berwawasan kearifan lokal, pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat, kesehatan masyarakat dan lingkungan hidup, serta pengabdian yang memacu pada upaya pengelolaan keragaman di masyarakat sekitar kampus –kampus multi-etnik di Malang. Melalui empat isu di atas sekaligus menjembatani visi dan misi perguruan tinggi IKIP Budi Utomo Malang. Untuk itu pengembangan kampus melalui pusat penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat ini akan terus membangun kemitraan strategis baik dengan masyarakat, universitas serta para pemangku kebijakan lokal nasional maupun internasional.</p> en-US (LPPM Universitas Insan Budi Utomo) (Dian Fitri Argarini) Wed, 31 Jul 2024 01:21:39 +0000 OJS 60 Pendampingan Komunitas Laskar Belajar Omah Harsa untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi dan Minat Belajar, Potensi Enterpreneurship, dan Pola Hidup Sehat <p style="text-align: justify;">The situation analysis shows that the motivation and interest in learning of Laskar Belajar Community Omah Harsa students is lacking, the students' entrepreneurial potential has not been developed, and the students' healthy lifestyle needs to be cultivated. Based on the agreement between the service team and partners, the Omah Harsa Community Learning Team's mentoring activities aim to increase students' motivation and interest in learning, entrepreneurship potential, and healthy lifestyles. The method of implementing service consists of observation, planning, implementation, and evaluation of activities. The place for service activities is the Omah Harsa Community Learning Army, Tanjungrejo Village, Sukun District, Malang City. The results of service activities show that student's motivation and interest in learning have increased by 71%, students' entrepreneurial potential has increased by 90%, and students' healthy lifestyles has increased by 85%. This service activity concludes that the service activity has a positive impact on the students of Laskar Belajar Community Omah Harsa in increasing motivation and interest in learning, entrepreneurial potential, and a healthy lifestyle.</p> Trio Ageng Prayitno, Nuril Hidayati, Mukarom M, Firda Eka Jauharoh ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 31 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Efektivitas Pelatihan Tenis Meja Pada Siswa Kelas VII dan IX SMP Islam Muqorrobin Singosari <p style="text-align: justify;">Learning effectiveness is the success of teachers and students in achieving learning goals. The existence of effective learning can improve learning outcomes. Physical Education, Sports and Health (PJOK) has an important role in the internalization of character-based education today. The independent curriculum which is currently the trigger demands that teachers must be able to facilitate students in the form of students' character, talents and interests. However, there are several factors that make the talent for playing table tennis among Class VII and IX students at Muqorrobin Islamic Middle School very low, including a lack of knowledge and training to play table tennis properly and correctly. This became the basis for the author to carry out table tennis training for 2 months with good results, namely the students were very happy with this training, those who initially didn't like table tennis became like it and their ability to play table tennis became even better.</p> Ahmad Junaidi, Ary Artanty, Luthfie Lufthansa, Khusnul Khotimah, Moh. Amir Kullal, Deny Setiawan, Risco Arief Pratama ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 31 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Transformasi Produk Tekstil Melalui Implementasi dan Efektivitas Pembuatan Batik Ecoprint Daun Tumbuhan Khas Pacitan Sebagai Wujud Pelestarian dan Eco-branding Batik <p style="text-align: justify;">The batik industry in Pacitan well known for its unique motifs of pace plants. The batik production process was carried out at least three times, so that the volume of disposal of batik wax waste into the environment becomes greater. Ecoprint training is an activity carried out with the aim of facilitating the community in the context of training in making Ecoprint batik and utilizing digital media to create ecobranding batik. The method in this activity used the ABCD (Asset-based Community Development) method starting with pre-implementation, execution, implementation, and results. The first meeting provided ecoprint training by providing an understanding of all ecoprint making activities from exploring materials, laying leaves to form motifs, explaining pounding and steam techniques, fixation, and drying. The second meeting provided digital branding training by providing understanding and practice related to creating digital product branding. The results of this activity are Ecoprint batik and the creation of logos and product content on social media. This activity shows positive impacts including preserving nature and culture, increasing income, and increasing environmental awareness.</p> Umi Fitriyati, Deny Setiawan, Yunita Rakhmawati, Dinar Arsy Anggraini, Zahra Firdaus, Wachidah Hayuana ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 31 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pelatihan Penggunaan Aplikasi Canva dalam Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif kepada Siswa Kelas XII MA Hidayatul Mubtadi’in <p style="text-align: justify;">A Training in creating interactive learning media assisted by the Canva application which was carried out in the Potential Based Community Service (PMBP) program which is one of the activities important for the Academic Community as academic functional staff both for develop knowledge and solve problems. Devotion to This society aims to provide education to the public regarding development and management of resources, especially in media training Canva based learning, Activities Doing this will certainly have an impact on the school. Where the results can be obtained, namely increasing the results of creativity can create a simple Canva-based learning media product, the results obtained from this training in making learning media will be a provision for students after completing their education. The research results show that the use of the Canva application in the process of creating interactive learning media becomes an interesting and creative learning media development of 21st century schooling, especially in all areas of use innovation in everyday life. Thus, the final conclusion in writing This article explains that the Canva application is very easy and practical to access in learning activities. Application of the Canva application in interactive learning media is the right solution to help educators in creating media computerized learning in the 21st century so that the delivery of material learning can be more easily accepted by students.</p> Iko Iko, Riyanto Riyanto, Adi Adi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 31 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pelatihan Hidroponik untuk Meningkatkan Kreativitas Siswa dengan Memanfaatkan Barang Bekas <p style="text-align: justify;">The aim of this training was to provide students with knowledge in hydroponic plant cultivation. The background to this training was students' lack of knowledge in hydroponic plant cultivation and agricultural land was low. The participants involved in this training were grade 11 students of SMA Negeri 2 Negeri Katon, Pejambon Village, Negeri Katon District, South Lampung Regency, Lampung. The training implementation method included three stages, namely the socialization and counselling stage, the activity implementation stage and the reflection stage with training activity steps starting from socialization to students, making media charts from plastic bottles and cups, sowing plant seeds, continued with the implementation of hydroponic plant cultivation. The reflection stage was carried out after the implementation process by looking at the shortcomings and obstacles faced by students so that it can be carried out continuously and developed. This training is expected to be developed by students and teachers in order maintain the school environment, systems for utilizing school grounds and the surrounding environment, as well as increasing the creativity of students at grade XI in cultivating plants, especially vegetables, to meet daily nutritional needs.</p> Novia Kusuma Wardani, Syifa Alfina Nugroho, Yunis Sulistyorini, Nopem K. Sumitro, Purwaning Budi Lestari ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 31 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Upaya Bimbingan Belajar untuk Meningkatan Kualitas Belajar Anak di Desa Tirtomarto <p style="text-align: justify;">This article aimed to help parents improve the quality of their children's education at home. Learning at home is an important focus. However, the preliminary study done in Tirtomarto Village showed children had low motivation to learn at home. Children tended to be lazy to study when they were with their parents. They said that studying at home tended to be boring. Therefore, it is hoped that tutoring can be a solution to help parents in the learning process at home. It is also expected that tutoring is expected can improve the quality of learning and motivation to learn.</p> Chindi Pebrianti, Mika Ambarawati, Rina Wijayanti, Rochsun Rochsun ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 31 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pelatihan Pembuatan Pembersih Lantai dari Sereh pada Siswa SMP Islam 02 Pujon <p style="text-align: justify;">Various methods and approaches can be used to improve social welfare, namely by empowering. Empowerment can be through training and assistance in making floor cleaners targeting junior high school students. Activities like this can increase students' understanding and skills about the importance of maintaining cleanliness and can create floor cleaning products from the main ingredients of lemongrass and kitchen ingredients that can easily be found in the surrounding environment</p> Diyah Ayu Widyaningrum, Enggal Lestari ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 31 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Dampak Media Sosial dan Cara Mempromosikan Usaha Melalui Media Sosial Bagi Pedagang UMKM Pantai Sine <p style="text-align: justify;">In this modern era, social media has a big influence on our lives, we can really feel the impact of social media, especially for business promotion. UMKM are able to provide maximum contribution in maintaining the economy. However, being a small and medium enterprise does not mean it cannot provide relatively large employment opportunities because UMKM have a role in absorbing labor to reduce unemployment and contribute to expanding exports while increasing GDP or economic growth in a region. The development of increasingly modern times and the existence of open market mechanisms require UMKM to increase their competitiveness so that they can continue to operate and develop. The increasing use of the internet and the ease of internet connections is a breath of fresh air for MSMEs to be able to actively participate in keeping up with current developments via the internet, especially social media. The aim of this activity is to package a product so that it looks attractive when promoted on social media. After following the tips and strategies that have been explained, Sine Beach UMKM traders can promote their businesses effectively through social media Tiktok.</p> Yulita Pujiharti, Putri Ayu Lestari, Mukarom Mukarom, Loesita Sari ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 31 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Penyuluhan Gaya Hidup Sehat dan Bahaya Narkoba di SMP Global Islamic School Al-Amin Gondanglegi dengan Metode Seminar dan Diskusi <p style="text-align: justify;">A healthy lifestyle is a long-term lifestyle choice with a good lifestyle with a commitment to doing several things to support the body's functions, thereby providing health effects for the body, while drug abuse is drug use that is done not for medicinal purposes, but because they want to enjoy it. influence, in excessive amounts. The purpose of conducting counseling activities on healthy lifestyles and the dangers of drugs at SMP Global Islamic School Al-Amin Gondanglegi using seminar and discussion methods is to increase students knowledge and insight so that they understand the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and avoiding negative things such as drugs.&nbsp; Based on the target students as the target of counseling activities, it is concluded that counseling on healthy lifestyles and the dangers of drugs with lectures and discussions increases the active role of students in thinking critically about lifestyle and drug problems, besides that the counseling activities carried out add to the insight of students so that the results of counseling can be applied daily and students avoid the dangers of drugs that damage the future of the nation.</p> Roisatul Ummah, Nikmatul Iza, Khoirun Nisa ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 31 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pendampingan Nasabah BTPN Syariah melalui Program Bestee terhadap Perkembangan UMKM pada MMS Tembelang Jombang <p style="text-align: justify;">Bestee BTPN Syariah is a program that aims to provide training and skills development to the community, especially for women in rural areas. This program is designed to empower customers engaged in UMKM sector by providing knowledge and skills that can improve their economic welfare. The marketing system for UMKM products owned by BTPN Syariah customers in Tembelang District is still not optimal, so routine assistance is needed to increase the income of UMKM owned by BTPN Syariah customers in Tembelang District, Jombang Regency. Customer assistance is carried out 4 times a month. In the first week, the facilitator introduces and also assesses customers and assesses material recommendations. In the second week, the facilitator teaches the material to customers. In the third week, the facilitator reviews the material and practices. In the fourth week, the facilitator practices and closes. In the mentoring activity carried out on a customer named Mrs. Ida, she was recommended material in the form of a business-brand identity. Students made a banner design that was installed on her cart because the cart did not have Mrs. Ida's business name written on it but the name of a beverage product. The results of the material recommendations are very appropriate for the condition of her business because Mrs. Ida does not have a banner yet. It is hoped that by providing a business identity in the form of this brand, Mrs. Ida's business can be better known to the public.</p> Anita Munawwaroh, Erfitra Rezqi Prasmala, Putri Karlina Jati ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 31 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000