Penerapan Aliran Filsafat Progresivisme Dalam Pendidikan Karakter

  • Shovi Wiranata Febriani Universitas Negeri Malang
Keywords: The flow of philosophy; the flow of progressivism philosoph; and character education.


The philosophy of education is an effort in the quest to right in the education and knowledge sector. Philosophy of education can also be used inside realizing the ideals education and become a reference in the implementation in education. Progressivism is a flow between the schools of educational philosophy. Flow of progressivism philosophy emphasizes change or progress and experiences to solve student problems. This flow is focused on students rather than the teacher. The flow of progressivism philosophy is the basis and foundation in character education. Expected to character education may useful for students in their lives, especially in solving a problem. Cultivation of character education may be do thru the environment of teachers, parents, and the community. So that the environment becomes an example and role model for students. This study utilizes the literature review research method by searching in the form of books and journals.

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