Pemanfaatan Reels Instagram sebagai Sarana Joyful learning pada Matakuliah Desain dan Strategi Pembelajaran Matematika

  • Era Dewi Kartika IKIP Budi Utomo
  • Dyah Ayu Sulistyaning Cipta
Keywords: Instagram reels, joyfull learning, design and learning strategy, mathematics


The purpose of this study is to describe the use of the Instagram Reels feature which is used as a means to realize Joyful learning in the Design and Learning Strategy course. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The research was carried out in the even semester of 2021 for students of the Mathematics Education Study Program of IKIP Budi Utomo. Lectures are carried out with blended learning. The results showed that students were very enthusiastic and happy in participating in learning designed with Joyful learning. Students are also very maximal in showing their creativity in making videos that they upload on Reels Instagram.

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