The Implementation Asynchronous Learning Based Youtube in Educational Research Courses

  • Muhammad Naharuddin Arsyad IKIP Budi Utomo
Keywords: Asynchronous Learning, Youtube, Educational Research Courses


The paradigm of the educational research learning process from offline to online via internet requires lecturers' to innovation and creativity in developing learning media. Youtube is a platform that can be developed by lecturers to support online learning. The purpose of this study was to determine student responses about asynchronous learning method with youtube based that develop by lecturers as a learning media for educational research. This research was conducted in an analytical descriptive manner to students participating in an educational research course at IKIP Budi Utomo. The results show that the use of youtube media developed by lecturers can help students to understand educational research lecture materials. However, lecturers need to continue to innovate in the development of learning media for advanced lectures. Judging from the suitability of the material, the majority of student responses answered "appropriately". Regarding the need for further innovation in the development of learning media, 78% of respondents support innovation in the development of YouTube media as a learning medium for educational research subjects and another 22% say that innovation is not necessary. This research can provide an empirical basis on the benefits of youtube developed by lecturers as a learning medium in educational research lectures at universities.

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