Analisis Nilai Moral dalam Novel Ha Nahnu Dza Karya Ira Madan

  • Novita Rully Anggraeny IKIP Widya Dharma Surabaya
  • M. Samsul Arifin IKIP Widya Dharma Surabaya
  • Masluhin Masluhin IKIP Widya Dharma Surabaya
  • Moch. Hendy Bayu Pratama IKIP Widya Dharma Surabaya
Keywords: Moral value, pragmatics, novel Ha Nahnu Dza


The novel Ha Nahnu Dza by Ira Madan is a novel with a religious theme that reflects the religious values ​​of Islamic teachings in Islamic boarding schools. This novel has a strong da'wah content because it is based on the science of fiqh, hadith, ushul fiqh, the Koran and various other scientific studies by learning in Islamic boarding schools. This novel also tells how ukhuwah Islamiyah_brotherhood, mutual respect for differences in status, customs, culture of each santri who do not come from the same village. This study aims to describe (1) the form of moral values ​​in the novel Ha Nahnu Dza by Ira Madan. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The subject of this research is the novel Ha Nahnu Dza by Ira Madan. This research is focused on problems related to the analysis of moral values ​​with a pragmatic approach. The data were analyzed using a qualitative description technique, which is a research procedure with the results of presenting descriptive data in the form of the author's speech in the novel Ha Nahnu Dza by Ira Madan. The method of data collection is done by reading and note-taking techniques. The validity used in this study is intrarater validity, and also interrater validity. The results of the study show that (1) the form of moral values ​​has three types, namely the first form of moral value in human relations with God has a variant in the form of believing and praying to God, the second form of moral values ​​in human relations with oneself has a variant of patience, sincerity and responsibility of students towards education in Islamic boarding schools, while the form of moral values ​​in human relations with other humans is parental advice to children, advice between friends, parental love for children, child affection for parents, affection between friends, and responsibility. parents to children while in boarding schools.

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