Sudut Pandang Filsafat Ilmu Terhadap Kasih Sayang Anak

  • Mohammad Mansyuruddin Mohammad Mansyuruddin Universitas Tanjungpura
Keywords: Affection, science philoshopy, educate yourself


Abstract: How to educate yourself to cultivate a sense of affection in children is the topic of this paper. This is because many studies in the modern era have shown a decrease in affection for children. Bullying and violence against children are on the rise because of the actions of adults or parents. While this is troubling and worrying, it will also be a psychological burden for children now and in the future. As a result, concerns about how truly loved children feel, think, and act are on the rise in this paper. The philosophy of science approach is used to conduct research, which includes ontological, epistemological, and axiological investigations. What and why the love crisis in children is examined in ontological studies. Epistemological studies then discuss love in a philosophical perspective. , reasons why children are neglected, and self-education to love children. Meanwhile, axiological investigation focuses on the benefits of training oneself to love children. This research study uses qualitative methods. Research findings show that compassion is an innate human trait that should be upheld by everyone. Unconditional love for anyone, especially children, is love that must "grow and develop." By teaching yourself to truly love and compassion for children and not prioritize violence and disturbing children, compassion must be built through self-culture.

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