Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran HEDIBOOK (Herbarium Digital Book) Sebagai Alat Peraga Berbasis Web

  • Anita Munawwaroh
  • Suci Murni Hidayati IKIP Budi Utomo
Keywords: Book Creator; Herbarium Digital Book; Pteridophyta;Web


This study aims to develop learning media HEDIBOOK (Herbarium Digital Book) as a web-based teaching aid using the book creator application on pteridophyta material that is of good quality and has been tested for its feasibility based on validity and readability tests. The background of this research is that the results and interest in student learning have decreased, due to a lack of learning media used and the media is only in the form of text or writing without any variation, causing student saturation in studying the material, especially in Pteridophyta material. This research is a type of development research (R & D) using a 4D model which is modified to 3D which includes the stages of (1) define, (2) design, (3) develop. Data collection techniques were carried out by analyzing the needs of learning media for students, expert validation questionnaires, and readability test questionnaires. The research process was carried out at MA Al-Ittihad Belung Poncokusumo involving a biology teacher and 15 class X MA students to determine the feasibility of learning media. Based on the results of validation by media and material experts, it was found that HEDIBOOK (Herbarium Digital Book) learning media received a respective percentage of 93% and 92.5% with an average percentage of 92.75% with very decent criteria. Meanwhile, based on teacher and student responses, the percentages were 87.6% and 95% with very decent criteria. Based on the results obtained, HEDIBOOK (Herbarium Digital Book) as a web-based visual aid using the book creator application on Pteridophyta material is very suitable for use as a learning medium..

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