Best Practise Penerapan Smart Card Modification pada Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk Anak-Anak

  • Suhartatik Suhartatik
  • Fusa Prima Dana IKIP Budi Utomo
Keywords: Teaching English for young learners, Smart Card Modification


Best practice in teaching English for young learners by using Smart Card Modification was adjusted to childrens cognitive development that  focused  on the sensory motor phase. This study aimed to enhance English Vocabulary for the  students of  elementary level under  the guidance of  Red and White Community Learning Center in Malang Regency. CAR had been designed for  two cycles. The statistical analysis determined  the mean value 70.2 for students’ outcome and   completeness 70 %  in Cycle 1, this meant that  the success indicator had  not yet reached. Later  in Cycle 2, the improvement of  Smart Card Modification was made to fulfill learning outcome 79.9  and completeness 80%.  In conclusion, by using media Smart Card Modification increasedEnglish vocabulary for young learners  of  Red and White Community Learning Center in Malang Regency.

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