Analisis Semiotika Sosial Pada Berita Kasus Pembunuhan Brigadir Joshua Dalam Media Online Tanggal 9 Agustus 2022 s/d 11 Agustus 2022

  • Dinda Ratnasari IKIP BUDI UTOMO MALANG
  • Susandi Susandi Universitas Insan Budi Utomo
Keywords: homicides, Brigadier Joshua, social semiotics


The news of the murder of Novriansyah Yosua Hutabarat (Brigadier Joshua) began when it was reported that Brigadier Joshua died after a shootout with Bharada Richard Eliezer at the house of the Head of the Propam Division Inspector General Ferdy Sambo who was at the Duren Tiga Police Complex, South Jakarta on Friday 8 July 2022. Based on the background above, this research raises major and minor questions. The major question is how is the Analysis of Social Semiotics in the Case of Brigadier Joshua's Murder on the website? then, a minor question is How does the website construct the reporting on the Brigadier Joshua murder case in terms of the field of discourse, the discourse participants, and the means of discourse? The research used is a qualitative approach. Then the researcher used MAK Halliday's social semiotic research method in interpreting the text of a news story and examining the sign system in the form of language produced by humans. From the data studied through MAK Halliday's social semiotics, data were obtained, namely: a field of discourse that describes what situation discussed about the murder of Brigadier Joshua. The involvement of the discourse in the news is seen from who is included in the quote. In addition, how the role and position of the source is described in the news. The means of discourse describe how uses style of language in writing news about the murder of Brigadier Joshua. The results of this study conclude that all the news on are related to the news of the murder of Brigadier Joshua which places more emphasis on Inspector General Ferdy Sambo and Bharada Eliezer. Then the selection of sources is not arbitrary, for that in including quotes looks quality because the sources appointed as quotes are in accordance with their fields.


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