Peran Wirausaha Sosial (Perspektif Sosiologis pada Peningkatan Akses dan Kesetaraan Pendidikan di Kota Cengkeh)

  • Jepri Utomo, Utomo Universitas Madako Tolitoli
  • Muhammad Syukur Universitas Negeri Makassar
  • Firdaus W. Suhaeb Universitas Negeri Makassar
  • Salehuddin Salehuddin Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik YAPIS Biak
Keywords: Role of Social Entrepreneurship, Sociological Perspectives, Improvement of Access and Equality in Education, City of Cloves.


This research explores the role of social entrepreneurship in improving access and equality in education in Tolitoli Regency, a social and cultural region known as the City of Cloves. The main constraints faced by the community in obtaining education are investigated using a mixed-methodology that combines qualitative and quantitative data. The focus of this research is on the primary obstacles that the community faces in achieving education. The results indicate that economic constraints are a significant factor limiting access to education, and how various age groups and socio-economic backgrounds interpret social business. In-depth knowledge of the role of social enterprises in the local context is obtained through qualitative findings that touch on various elements of social and cultural dynamics. The combined analysis of quantitative and qualitative data provides a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics that affect educational access and the implementation of social enterprises. To ensure the success of social entrepreneurship projects and increase community participation, policy recommendations and implementation strategies are proposed. This research highlights the urgency of integrating social and cultural aspects into social enterprise efforts and substantially enhances understanding of the complexity of educational access in Tolitoli Regency.


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