Konsep Esse/Act-Of-Being Menghargai Nilai Martabat Manusia Berdasarkan Tinjauan Filsafat Thomas Aquinas

  • Lusius Yopiansal STFT WIDYA SASANA
  • Armanda Riyanto STFT Wudya Sasana Malang
  • Yohanes Jebaru Adon
Keywords: Keywords: Esse, Dignity, Humanity, image and Respect.


The focus of this article looks more at the side of human nature and tries to respect humans as special creatures because they are in the image of the existing. When discussing human dignity it will never end because humans have multidimensional and multifaceted sides and dimensions. Humans are unique creatures and also have actus-potential. This means that humans are always developing and constantly changing. Thomas had certain difficulties in discussing and explaining this potential actus. Aristotle said that change is something that changes and something that remains. Humans have an age that definitely changes and is different. In the case of humans, human humanity must change. What cannot change is the subject matter of humans themselves. The aim of this research is to know and appreciate human dignity as an in potential asset as Actus-Potential in the view of Aquinas philosophy. The importance of respecting human dignity and nature as human beings is very important, because various kinds of human cases occur in the surrounding environment which are incapable of paying attention to humanity. Humans become homo homini lupus which can damage and threaten the existence of fellow humans both in the womb until old age. The type of research used in this research is a bibliographic approach or literary study by collecting various sources to help make working on this article easier. This research also uses an analytical approach from Christian philosophy and physics and combines it with helpful sources. The type of research used in this research is a bibliographic approach or literary study by collecting various sources to help make working on this article easier. This research also uses an analytical approach from Christian philosophy and physics and combines it with helpful sources.

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