Mahasiswa Sebagai Agen Kebenaran dalam Usaha Menciptakan Kelancaran Pemilu 2024 Di Indonesia Berdasarkan Kebenaran René Descartes

  • Septian Septian Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Teologi Widya Sasana
  • Armada Riyanto Dosen Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Teologi Widya Sasana
  • Mathias Jebaru Adon Dosen Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Teologi Widya Sasana
Keywords: Students, truth, Election 2024, René Descartes, justice.


The focus of this paper is to discuss the role of students as agents of truth in an effort to encourage the smooth running of the 2024 General Elections in Indonesia, with reference to the concept of truth according to René Descartes. Through an interdisciplinary approach that combines philosophy and political context, this research considers how Descartes' view of truth can be applied by students to facilitate a fair and transparent election process. Through conceptual analysis and mapping the application of Descartes' ideas, this research explores how students can use the concept of truth to encourage ethical political participation, fight for justice, and minimise uncertainty in the democratic process, especially in the 2024 General Election. This research highlights the important role of students as actors as well as thought leaders who bring positive changes and foster public trust, so that fraud and injustice do not occur in the 2024 Election process in Indonesia.

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