Konstruksi Citra Diri Arif Muhammad Sebagai Pemeran Crossdresser Mak Beti dalam Perspektif Dramaturgi

  • Devy Adillia Maharani Universitas Insan Budi Utomo
  • Kawit Puji Rahayu
  • Fani Irma Firnanda
  • Winin Maulidya Saffanah


This research was motivated by the emergence of Japanese popular culture which entered Indonesia bringing culture that could attract the interest of the Indonesian people. With the existence of Japanese culture, the activity of imitating anime characters is called cosplay. In cosplay, there is the term crossdress cosplay, which is a cosplay activity that is opposite to gender. This research aims to find and analyze the front and back stages of a crossdresser cosplayer. The research approach used in this research is a qualitative approach with dramaturgical studies. The results on the front stage, a crossdressing cosplayer tries to display the character's scenes professionally, paying attention to appearance details and communicating nonverbally to the audience. Meanwhile, in the backstage, they are genuine individuals without wearing masks, they act as genuine men, interacting with other people and providing understanding to those around them about crossdress cosplay which is always considered negative in order to gain good impression management in the eyes of society

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