Designing E-Catalogue as Promotional Media on Instagram Using Adobe Express Application at Khaw Box Malang

  • Dhea Vira Safitri Politeknik Negeri Malang
Keywords: E-catalogue, , Promotion Media, Adobe Express, Khaw box Malang


E-catalogue or called an online catalog is a feature used to facilitate visitors in finding collection catalogs that can be accessed in general, especially Instagram. e-catalogue is important for khawbox shops to help encourage customers and attract customers. Previously, the khawbox shop only had an offline catalog, and lacked details for some information so that it did not attract the attention of potential customers. The purpose of this research is to create a promotional media e-catalogue design on Instagram using the Adobe Express application at Khaw Box Malang. This research uses the Action Research method which includes several research procedures, namely planning, action, observation, and reflection. Data collection methods utilized observation, interviews, documentation, and questionnaires. There were 20 respondents consisting of 1 business owner, 2 marketing experts, 2 computer experts, and 15 potential customers. This research uses the EPIC method to measure design effectiveness (Empathy, Persuasion, Impact, and Communication). The results of this study went through 2 cycles and showed an EPIC Rate value of 4.2. This indicates that respondents agree that this e-catalogue is very effective as an advertising media for khawbox shop. This research concludes that e-catalogue can be said to be very effective and feasible to use in helping to develop the Khawbox shop business and become an alternative.

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