The Analysis of Habitual Procrastination Activity toward Learning in Process of EFL Students

  • Moh Rafi'i Universitas Madako Tolitoli
  • Andi Muhammad Abrar Universitas Madako Tolitoli
Keywords: Habitual, procastination, learning process


This research aim is to analyze the Habitual Procrastination Activity Towards a Learning Process of EFL Students. The type of this research was descriptive qualitative research that involved 10 students and employed purposive sampling. The data of this research were collected by using interviews and questionnaires. The interview presented the reason students procrastinate in learning and the questionnaire confirmed the factor and most dominant factor. The result from interview data shows that low health condition makes students delay the learning process and follow the bad habit of friends in collecting paper assignment. The other reasons are confused with the material given, unclear direction assignments, and too many assignments. Then makes students feel saturated and bored. so that laziness comes to learning and makes the students delay learning until a predetermined day. From the result of questionnaires. The factor consisted of belief in ability, could not manage time well, laziness, lack of self-initiative, social factors, and attention distraction. Belief in the ability factor is the most dominant factor that causes students to behave in procrastinate. That is because many of the students do the task on the deadline or later until the limit gathered the assignment has arrived.

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