Penerapan Permainan 3 on 3 dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pasing Bawah Bolavoli

  • Moh. Ali Mu'arifuddin IKIP Budi Utomo
  • Ahmad Lani universitas insan budi utomo
Keywords: 3 on 3 Game, Under Pass, Volleyball.


The purpose of writing this articles  to know explain the results of the action of implementing the 3 on 3 volleyball game in improving volleyball under pass ability. This is aplying because the ability of bottom passing when done outside the game and bottom passing when done in the game is sometimes different due to several factors. the bottom's ability to string together an attack and increase defense. This research uses Classroom Action Research. The results of the pre-cycle pass on target by the sample averaged 58. After action was taken in cycle 1, the percentage of passes on target increased to 66, the action continued in the 2nd cycle, the results of the 2nd cycle of action, the average pass on target increased. with the average being 84%. The cycle was stopped in the second cycle because the improvement obtained on average of 84% was considered quite significant. If calculated from the pre-cycle with an average pass on target of 58% with the results of cycle 2 with an average pass on target of 84%, an increase of 26% has been obtained.

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