Kesenangan Dan Keaktifan Berolahraga Peserta Didik SLTP Pemerintah Dan SLTP Masyarakat Di Jawa Timur: Studi Komparatif-Korelasional

  • bahrul hadi universitas insan budi utomo
Keywords: enjoyment of exercise, activeness in exercise, junior high school students, comparative-correlational study


This study aims to analyze the relationship between enjoyment of exercise and activeness in exercise among government junior high school and community junior high school students in East Java and compare the differences between the two groups. This research uses a comparative-correlational study approach to gain a better understanding of the factors that influence sports participation in students in both types of schools. This research method involves collecting data using a questionnaire filled in by randomly selected Government and Community Middle School students. From the results of data analysis, it was obtained that the empirical t was 6.025 t 1.960 and the sig value was 0.00 - 0.05, meaning that there were differences in the level of enjoyment of exercise. The results of the data analysis above obtained an empirical t of 3.385 t 0.05, so it is said that df 2342 is equal to infinity, which is 1.960 and the sig value is 0.01 - 0.05, meaning that there is a difference in the average level of sports activity. The results of correlation data analysis obtained a correlation coefficient r of 0.358 and a 2-tailed significant value of 0.000 0.005, so there is a relationship between the level of enjoyment and the level of sports activity of junior high school students in the five Bakorwil of East Java Province

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