Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Konsumen dalam Transaksi di Online Shop (E-Commerce): A Literatur Review

  • Muh Reza Zulfikar Universitas Pendidikan Muhammadiyah Sorong
Keywords: legal protection, consumers, startup, online shop


This study examines legal protection for startups in the online shop sector. This research method uses a narrative literature review with a focus on studies on legal protection efforts for startups in the form of startups in the field of electronics-based online shops. The study results show that legal protection for startup companies involves protection before and after transactions. Legal protection for consumers before transactions is divided into 1) Legislation, namely legal protection for consumers carried out before the transaction occurs by protecting consumers through statutory regulations. 2) Voluntary Self Regulation, namely legal protection for consumers that is carried out at the time before the transaction occurs. Legal protection for other types of consumers, namely legal protection after the transaction. The existence of legal protection for consumers can make consumers protected in the process of electronic transactions at online shops.

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