Peningkatan Kemampuan Pengolahan Buah Belimbing (Averrhoa Carambola L) pada Program Pengembangan Sumber Daya Lokal Berbasis Kawasan

  • Dwi Lasmining Rahayu IKIP Budi Utomo Malang
Keywords: star fruit, processing capability, selling price, training, material


Spill star fruit (carambola Averrhoa L) during the harvest season to make the selling price at farmer tends to go down, so much harm to farmers starfruit. This condition gets the attention of the Provincial Government of East Java with the Development Program for Local Resource-Based Region 2009. In this program held training to overcome these problems. These training materials concerning the processing of star fruit (carambola Averrhoa L) into syrup, juice, star fruit and chips. The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in fruit processing capabilities Starfruit (carambola Averrhoa L). Object of research is the trainee of the village of Mojo, Ngringinrejo, Mojosari District of Kalitidu Bojonegoro. Instruments in this study was a questionnaire. Analysis of the data in this study using percentages and t-test. The results showed no increase in fruit processing capability Starfruit (carambola Averrhoa L) which amounted to 26.23% of product knowledge, knowledge of materials 57.41%, 57.41% knowledge tools, materials selection 63.27%, 51.85% Operating tool , material processing 46.29%, and 72.96% of business expectations. Increased processing capability of star fruit (carambola Averrhoa L) by t-test on all the indicators are very signifcant.

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