Gambar Tematik untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berbicara Mahasiswa Tahun Pertama

  • Enis Fitriani
  • Trisnian Ifianti Universitas Insan Budi Utomo
Keywords: image, thematic, speaking, freshmen, CAR


The researchers mainly focussed on speaking skills in Basic English-Speaking class because speaking is considered difficult and complicated skills to learn for the first-year students. In speaking they have to generates ideas, words, sentences so they can communicate properly and correctly. The research objectives in this study were to improved students’ ability in speaking skill by using thematic images; and to described the results of using thematic image media in improving the student’s speaking skill at Basic English-Speaking class. The method used was classroom action research. Based on the results of the study done, the use of thematic image as a whole can improve students’ speaking skills. It can be seen through the actions of cycle I and cycle II which increased significant speaking ability. In the cycle I and also observation of students speaking using picture media shows 15 or 48% of students who score below the minimum completeness criteria. The students’ score in the cycle II had improved than in the cycle I. The average result class achieved 85%. Therefore, the thematic images can help students to learn speaking easier.  The researchers suggest to the lecturer to make new innovations in learning.

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