Makna Etika Menurut Mahasiswa Prodi Filsafat Perspektif Teori Etika Epikuros

  • Muhammad Syafarul Riza Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi Medan
  • Siti Latifah Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi Medan
  • Syarifuddin ㅤ Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi Medan


Epicurus' ethical philosophy, which places peace and pleasure as the goal of human life, is still valid today and is easy to understand. This research uses a qualitative and descriptive approach. Data collection uses interview and observation methods, because this research requires data to perfect this article. The location of this research is at the Pancabudi Development University, Medan and there are 5 samples of philosophy science study program students in the 2020 standard to be used as research object to understand ethics. part of this research also uses literature study, to examine the ethical figure Epicurus to discuss his biography, life, works and ethical ideas methodically, factually and accurately. This explanation serves as a general educational foundation to ease the reader's transition to a more comprehensive understanding of ethics in more focused applications. Epicurus' ideas have a lot to say about modern life, especially for college students. Students are encouraged to put aside worries about the future and cheating to achieve temporary happiness, with Epicurus' ethical thinking which prioritizes happiness and tranquility and puts aside three fears which he views as things that can disrupt human life. Thus, it is very important for students to prepare for the future with joy and without fear or worry.

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