Analysis of the Impact of Vehicle Parking on Road Shoulders on Traffic Congestion

(Case Study: Moch Hatta Street in Front of WZ Johannes General Hospital, Fontein Village, Kota Raja District, Kupang City)

  • Magda Silfia Yeni Laka Universitas Karyadarma Kupang
Keywords: traffic congestion, illegal parking


Traffic congestion is a major issue in many large cities, including Kupang City, with Jalan Moch Hatta, particularly in front of Rumah Sakit Umum WZ Johannes, being one of the significant congestion points. This study analyzes the impact of roadside parking on the level of congestion in the area. Congestion is caused by an increase in the number of vehicles that is not matched by adequate infrastructure, as well as an underdeveloped transportation system. One of the primary causes of congestion on Jalan Moch Hatta is illegal parking on the roadside, which hinders the movement of other vehicles, especially during peak hours. This study aims to formulate effective parking control strategies to mitigate the impact of congestion. By referring to literature and theories from various experts, this research is expected to provide useful recommendations for city transportation planning and addressing congestion issues caused by illegal parking.

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