Pengembangan Petunjuk Instruksional Kegiatan Praktikum Materi Sistem Gerak dan Sistem Koordinasi pada Matakuliah Anatomi Fisiologi Manusia

  • Nuril Hidayati IKIP Budi Utomo Malang
Keywords: human anatomy, practical activities, instructional objective


Learning courses Human Anatomy Physiology done with theory and practical activities. Lectures more often done with less optimal activity theory and practical activities on the course. The anavaliability of facilities and infrastructure to support a credible form of practicum become one of the obstacles practicum. The use of lab book that does not comply with the conditions of infrastructure and student characteristics often cause students to confusion and anavaliability of structured guidance led to lab activities are often constrained. The reality will be a problem in achieving the desired learning objectives. Hence the need for a development of instructional objectives appropriate to the infrastructure as well as the characteristics of the students. Development is done with reference to the development model Thiagarajan defne, design, develop, and disseminate. Instructional produce research results that have been validated by materials experts , media experts , and practitioners as well as test results that indicate valid criteria and ft for use.

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