Model Pengembangan Materi Ajar Pada Pokok Bahasan Morfologi Mikroorganisme Berbasis Scientifc Approach Pada Matakuliah Mikrobiologi

  • Trio Ageng Prayitno
Keywords: learning material, scientific approach, development


The learning of microbiology needs the learning materials as a learning resource based on basic competencies to be achieved, so that the learning can be easyly. The purpose of this study is to develop the learning material as microorganism morfology based scientifc approach. The learning material developed with Thiagarajan development model consisting of; stage defne, design, develop, and disseminate. However, disseminate stage is not implemented. The research data is a validation questionnaire scores the learning material and it is converted in the form of a percentage of the validity criteria. The results showed that the learning material is valid. In conclusion, the learning material as microorganism morfology is valid and viable, so it can be used in the learning of microbiology.

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