• Pramitha Shafika Wicaksono Universitas Diponegoro
  • Kartono Kartono Universitas Diponegoro
Keywords: vertex coloring, Welch-Powel Algorithm, graph


At the beginning of each semester, subjects scheduling is always carried out by the curriculum representatives and academic staff. There were several problems that must be avoided in subjects scheduling, these problems were the schedule of teachers who teach one subject at the same time are scheduled in different classes, teachers who teach more than one subject are scheduled in the same class at the same time, teachers who are lack of scheduled for teaching. In the subject of graph theory, there is a concept of graph coloring, one of which is vertex coloring. In vertex coloring, there is a Welch-Powell Algorithm application which produces a color for each vertex. In subject scheduling, it is assumed that the vertex is the subject and the teacher, while the edge is the class. In vertex coloring, graph vertices are colored so that there's no two neighboring vertices have the same color. The aim of this research was to arrange a lesson schedule so that problems do not occur such as clashes between teachers, subjects, and teaching hours. The method used in arranging this lesson schedule used the Welch-Powell Algorithm. The results obtained were using the Welch-Powell Algorithm to produce a lesson schedule every day where if there are two classes that have the same subject, they can meet the same day requirements but come in different hours and get a lesson schedule that has no clash between teachers, subjects, and teaching hours.


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