Analisis Kebutuhan Pengembangan Multimedia Pembelajaran Autoplay Berbasis Teams Games Tournament pada Materi Sistem Endokrin (Hormon)

  • Deri Areski IKIP Budi Utomo Malang
  • Primadya Anantyarta IKIP Budi Utomo Malang
Keywords: Autoplay, endocrine system, multimedia, need assesment, TGT


Learning in this pandemic era has many variations of advantages and disadvantages. For example, it can help teachers and students can continue to carry out learning, even though they are not face to face directly. It also makes it easy to collect assignments and manage time. However, along with the convenience provided earlier, there are also things that must be considered. For example, limited learning time due to reduced learning time so that the material presented is not optimal. Cooperative learning is one of the learning models that can provide opportunities for students to learn and work together in small groups. And one of the cooperative learning models that can be used in the learning process is the TGT (Teams Games Tournament) learning model. One of the learning media that can be developed in the Pandemic era is Autoplay. Autoplay is software in which there are various types of media such as images, sound, video and text into the presentations made, also on the Autoplay media there is a quiz making application that can be used when evaluating students with the TGT (Teams Games Tournament) learning model.

How to Cite
Areski, D., & Anantyarta, P. (2021). Analisis Kebutuhan Pengembangan Multimedia Pembelajaran Autoplay Berbasis Teams Games Tournament pada Materi Sistem Endokrin (Hormon). Prosiding Seminar Nasional IKIP Budi Utomo, 2(01), 119-124.
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