Media Belajar Berbasis Information Communication and Technology (ICT) pada Pembelajaran IPA

  • Rizki Aria Pendidikan Dasar, Universitas Negeri Medan
Keywords: ICT, learning media, science learning


This research aims to provide a little description of the development of learning media based on Information Communication and Technology (ICT) in science learning. This writing is based on a literature review that is used to describe learning media based on Information Communication and Technology (ICT) in science learning. Learning media is a supporting component in the learning process. The use of learning media during learning is believed to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of learning so that learning objectives can be achieved properly and as expected. The development of science and technology is one of the drivers of renewal in the learning process. The use of ICT-based learning media can change the learning atmosphere to be more interesting and fun for students. Science learning aims to develop students' potential through providing experience by exploring and understanding the natural surroundings scientifically. The application that can be done is by using ICT-based learning media which can then be developed into interactive learning media, such as providing understanding to students with pictures, sounds, videos, or in the form of learning animations. The results of a literature review conducted on the development of Information Communication and Technology (ICT)-based learning media, it is proven that the use of various learning media in the learning process can make learning more interesting and fun, especially when using teaching media with new forms will increase the interest of students. in following the lesson.

How to Cite
Aria, R. (2021). Media Belajar Berbasis Information Communication and Technology (ICT) pada Pembelajaran IPA. Prosiding Seminar Nasional IKIP Budi Utomo, 2(01), 1-9.
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