Layanan Aplikasi Online Kursus Dan Pelatihan Berbasis Android

  • Jamaluddin Andi Katutui Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Makassar
  • Edy Wardoyo Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Makassar
  • Sahrul Sahrul Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Makassar
Keywords: Course Online Application Services, Courses, Training, SJI


Course and Training Institute is a training institution that belongs to the type of non-formal education. The course is a teaching and learning activity just like a school. Many courses and training are held by the community in order to serve students who are unskilled, unemployed or out of work. The current era of disruption has encouraged and even "forced" the digitalization of the education system. In this case, educational institutions are required to immediately innovate from conventional learning models (face to face) to online learning models. Currently, there are many online course and training services that can be accessed via the service provider's web/page. This service provider is not an educational unit. This is a challenge as well as a threat for Course and Training Institutions that do not immediately innovate both in program services and learning patterns. The end result of developing this application, students can register online via smart phones to view the LKP profile which contains addresses, telephone numbers, distance from home to location points, types of programs offered along with the costs of each type of course. LAO-Kursus is one of the registration system innovations that integrates educational services with information and communication technology. The results of this innovation have been validated by the validation team, practical according to the instructor, and effectively used by students. LAO-Course can be downloaded on google playstore.

How to Cite
Katutui, J., Wardoyo, E., & Sahrul, S. (2021). Layanan Aplikasi Online Kursus Dan Pelatihan Berbasis Android. Prosiding Seminar Nasional IKIP Budi Utomo, 2(01), 615-630.
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