Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Handout Berbasis Konstruktivisme untuk Pembelajaran Materi Pecahan pada Kelas VII SMP

  • Munika Munika Pendidikan Matematika, IKIP Budi Utomo
  • Era Dewi Kartika Pendidikan Matematika, IKIP Budi Utomo
Keywords: Teaching materials, handouts, constructivism, fractional materials


Based on observations that have been made at SMP Bakti Terpadu Malang, especially in class VII. This study aims to describe the procedur for developing handout teaching material with fractions learning models and this media is devoted to mathematics leaning material in fractions material for class VII SMP and to describe the results of the validator of the quality of the developed teaching material products. This type of researh is researh and development, this reasarh uses the ADDIE model which consists of 5 stages of tesearh (analysis), design(design) development(development), implementation(implementation) and evaluation(evaluation). Data collection techniques used.Based on the results of the study seen from validator 1, validator 2, validator 3, validator 1 with an average score of 3,77 namely in the very good category, validator 2 with an average score of 3,00 namely in the good category, validator 3 with an average score the average score is 3,70, which is a very good category, thus, the total average score of the three validator is 3,49 with a good category and the evalition results obtained from the studen response questionnaire are with an average score of 3,45 which is in the good category, thus, it can be development model is valid and practical  so that the development is feasible to be used by student.

How to Cite
Munika, M., & Kartika, E. (2021). Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Handout Berbasis Konstruktivisme untuk Pembelajaran Materi Pecahan pada Kelas VII SMP. Prosiding Seminar Nasional IKIP Budi Utomo, 2(01), 190 - 197.
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