Pengembangan Handout Biologi dengan Media Autoplay Materi Sistem Ekskresi pada Manusia

  • Oktavia Yenyen Pendidikan Biologi, IKIP Budi Utomo
  • Trio Ageng Prayitno IKIP Budi utomo
Keywords: Biology handout, autoplay, learning media


Education 4.0 is a response to the needs of the industrial revolution 4.0 where humans and technology are adapted to generate new opportunities more creatively and innovatively. Teachers are required to master skills, the ability to adapt to new technologies and the challenges of the world, this aims to increase interest in learning and students' motivation to learn so they don't feel bored in the learning process. This study aims to determine the development of Biology Handouts with Media Autoplay material on the Excretory System in humans that is valid and feasible to use using the R&D (Research and Development) research method and the 4D Thiagarajan model. This research is limited to only three stages, namely Define, Design and Develop and ends with the stages of media expert validation and material expert validation. In research and development of biology handouts with autoplay media, the excretory system material in humans is very valid or feasible to use. The feasibility of the biology handout with autoplay media was obtained from the results of the media expert's validation of 97.5% and the material expert's validation results of 97.3%.

How to Cite
Yenyen, O., & Prayitno, T. (2021). Pengembangan Handout Biologi dengan Media Autoplay Materi Sistem Ekskresi pada Manusia. Prosiding Seminar Nasional IKIP Budi Utomo, 2(01), 478-485.
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