Keefektifan Google Classroom dalam Pembelajaran Writing Procedure Text Kelas IX SMP

  • Mela Oktaviani Mahasiswa
  • Sri Fatmaning Hartatik IKIP Budi Utomo
  • Enis Fitriani IKIP Budi Utomo
Keywords: Effectiveness, teaching writing procedure, google classroom


During this pandemic, education has begun to use various access of technology and the internet to facilitate the online learning process. It called Learning Management System (LMS). In this study, the objectives of study was to measure The Effectiveness of Google Classroom Application towards Students’ Writing Ability. The appropriate application which is used in teaching writing procedure text is Google Classroom application, it can help the students to express their ideas and it stimulates the students to make a good writing. According to the data analysis, the favourable effect was also seen in the students' responses to the Google Classroom Application in learning process. It has been demonstrated that their scores improve, and they are more engaged in the session. To make the students understandable, a simple rule of using Google Classroom Application is established. Using Google Classroom Application to teach writing was beneficial. It can be observed from the analysis in 3 treatment that the students’ achievement improved after they received treatment. When children were taught writing using the Using Google Classroom Application, they were engaged and eager to learn. The suggestion for teacher should use Google Classroom Application in in teaching writing, for the next researcher develop Google Classroom Application in True Experiment or Classroom Action Research (CAR) in different grade, subject, and topic. Add more treatment, make an interesting display to make students easy understand, then practice once or twice to motivate them in learning.

How to Cite
Oktaviani, M., Hartatik, S., & Fitriani, E. (2021). Keefektifan Google Classroom dalam Pembelajaran Writing Procedure Text Kelas IX SMP. Prosiding Seminar Nasional IKIP Budi Utomo, 2(01), 151-156.
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