Pengaruh Latihan Kecepatan dan Kelincahan Terhadap Kemampuan Dribbling Bola Di Sekolah Sepakbola (SSB) Unibraw 82 Malang 2021

  • Sudarsono Sudarsono IKIP Budi Utomo
  • Muhammad Abu Bakar IKIP Budi Utomo
  • Dedy Irawan IKIP Budi Utomo


Football is very necessary for sportivity and fair play. Football becomes a very interesting sport. Football Players must have physical ability, good technique, strategy and mentality. Players who have speed, good agility, and dribbling will make it easier for players to enter the opponent's defense and score goals. This study used an experiment with a single group pretest and posttest design pattern.  The samples taken from the total population is 30 players. The sample divided into 2 experimental groups process of implementing the action.  experimental group 1 was given a speed training program while the experimental group 2 was given agility training program. Data collection in this study was a test technique with the type of test being performance, namely ball dribbling test. The results of data analysis, can be concluded.  (1) There is a change in speed training on dribbling ability in soccer school players Unitraw 82 Malang. It is proven that the ttest value of the experimental group 1 is 4.40 > ttable (1.70), so the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted (2  ) There is an effect of agility training on the dribbling ability of the football school players of Unibraw 82 Malang.  It is proven that the value of experimental group 2 is 6.6 > t table (1.70), so the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted (3) There is no difference in the effect of speed and agility training on dribbling abilities in Unibraw soccer school players 82  Malang. It is proven that the ttest value of the research is 0 245 < ts0.095 (1.70) and ts0 99 (2 46).  so that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected and the null hypothesis (Ho) is accepted


How to Cite
Sudarsono, S., Bakar, M., & Irawan, D. (2021). Pengaruh Latihan Kecepatan dan Kelincahan Terhadap Kemampuan Dribbling Bola Di Sekolah Sepakbola (SSB) Unibraw 82 Malang 2021. Prosiding Seminar Nasional IKIP Budi Utomo, 2(01), 422-429.
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