Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Pencemaran Lingkungan Berbasis Media Interaktif Autoplay Untuk Siswa Kelas VII SMPK Marsudi Siwi

  • Margareta Evi Melianti Pendidikan Biologi IKIP Budi Utomo
  • Erfitra Rezqi Prasmala Pendidikan Biologi IKIP Budi Utomo
Keywords: Interactive Learning Media, Autoplay, Environmental Pollution


The background of this research is the use of learning media in class VII SMPK Marsudi Siwi in science lessons, especially environmental pollution learning materials are less effective because they only use textbooks and videos from Youtube as the source. This causes students to get bored or easily bored, find it difficult to understand lessons and feel less motivated by the conditions in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic which makes learning to be done online. One of the media that makes learning not saturated or bored is the use of interactive learning media. This study aims: develop learning media on environmental pollution based on autoplay interactive media for class VII students of SMPK Marsudi Siwi. 2. to determine the feasibility level of learning media on environmental pollution based on autoplay interactive media for class VII students of SMPK Marsudi Siwi. This study uses a Research and Development design. While the model used is the model according to Lee and Owen or ADDIE. The validation results are 1). media experts 89.47% with very decent qualifications, 2). material experts 83.12% with very decent qualifications and 3). expert practitioners 95.62% with very decent qualifications. Based on the results of the discussion of research and development of environmental pollution learning media based on interactive autoplay media, it is very feasible in terms of material and media and received very appropriate responses from expert practitioners so that environmental pollution learning media based on autoplay interactive media is very feasible to be used as a learning medium.

How to Cite
Melianti, M., & Prasmala, E. (2021). Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Pencemaran Lingkungan Berbasis Media Interaktif Autoplay Untuk Siswa Kelas VII SMPK Marsudi Siwi. Prosiding Seminar Nasional IKIP Budi Utomo, 2(01), 691-701.
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