Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Siswa Berbasis Teams Games Tournament Pada Materi Keanekaragaman Hayati Di Indonesia Kelas X Sma Negeri 1 Wewewa Selatan


  • Ayuprames Hari Bora Pendidikan Biologi, IKIP Budi Utomo Malang
  • Nila Kartika Sari Pendidikan Biologi, IKIP Budi Utomo Malang
Keywords: student worksheet development based on teams games tournament


The purpose of this research is to find out the feasibility of student worksheets (lks) based on team  games tournament (tgt so that student worksheet products made can be used in the process of teaching  and learning in class, in this study using thiagarajan et al' 4-d method (1974) which consists of 4 stages  namely define, design, develop, and disseminate conducted in this study is limited to the stage of develop.  the subjects of the study are lecturer validators, teacher validators, and test limitations in class x students.  the number of students involved in this study as many as 20 people, this research can be obtained data  through several validation techniques. The data obtained is the result of various validations then processed  / analyzed with a likert scale with a score criteria of 1: not good 2: less good3: good 4: very good. through  validation results from material experts get assessments with an average result of 75% with decent  categories, media expert validation gets an assessment with an average result of 65.45% with a decent  category, validation biology teachers get an assessment with an average result of 70.65% with a decent  category and a student readability test student worksheet (lks) 7 question options get an assessment and  an average result of 39.5 with a very decent category. it is known that the torunamen team game (tgt)  based student worksheet (lks) is worth developing and using.

How to Cite
Bora, A., & Sari, N. (2021). Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Siswa Berbasis Teams Games Tournament Pada Materi Keanekaragaman Hayati Di Indonesia Kelas X Sma Negeri 1 Wewewa Selatan. Prosiding Seminar Nasional IKIP Budi Utomo, 2(01), 631-656.
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