Pengembangan Media PaCoTa pada Materi KPK dan FPB Kelas VII MTS/SMP

  • Ikrimatul Kuroimah IKIP Budi Utomo Malang
  • Nok Izatul Yazidah IKIP Budi Utomo Malang
Keywords: Development, PaCoTa Media, KPK & FPB


This research is motivated by the lack of learning media so that it makes students lazy and bored to learn mathematics, it is also known that students still have difficulty in understanding mathematics, especially in solving KPK & FPB questions. So the researcher wants to develop KPK & FPB material by raising learning media using the Congklak game. This study aims to develop a valid, effective, and practical PaCoTa KPK & FPB media. The learning media in the form of PaCoTa on the KPK & FPB material aims to determine the responses of students and teachers as well as to determine the quality and effectiveness of the media developed. This model was developed by S. Thiagarajan, Dorothy S. Semmel, and Mervyn I. Semmel. The development model of this research is 4D (Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate). However, in this research, it is limited to the develop stage. This validation was carried out by expert validators from IKIP lecturer Budi Utomo Malang and mathematics teacher at MTs Maarif Sukorejo. The results of the validation of the two validators obtained an average of 3.8, with very valid criteria. The results of the PaCoTa media trial conducted by students obtained a practical average of 3.6 with the Very Eligible criteria. The student learning mastery sheet obtained an average effective score of 83.9, so the PaCoTa Media is very valid, practical, and effectively used as teaching material.

How to Cite
Kuroimah, I., & Yazidah, N. (2022). Pengembangan Media PaCoTa pada Materi KPK dan FPB Kelas VII MTS/SMP. Prosiding Seminar Nasional IKIP Budi Utomo, 3(01), 16-26.
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