Penokohan dan Alur Cerita dalam Novel ”Bukan Buku Nikah” Karya Ria Ricis

  • Sinta Rimosan IKIP Budi Utomo Malang
  • Vrestanti Novalia Santosa IKIP Budi Utomo Malang
Keywords: Characterizations, storyline, novel not marriage book


Literature is a work of fiction or fiction created by human thought. Thoughts in literature are a reflection of the author's thoughts. The novel "Not the Book of Marriage" by Ria Ricis describes the existence of humans in dealing with problems that arise in the life that surrounds them. The novel "Not the Marriage Book" also still tells about marginal people who are inspired by true stories. This research method is qualitative research with context analysis method (content analysis). The data source uses secondary data sources in the form of documents and so on. Data collection techniques are library techniques and note-taking techniques. The data triangulation technique uses a source triangulation technique by obtaining data from different sources with the same technique. Data analysis is a context analysis method (content analysis). The results showed that in the novel "Not the Book of Marriage" by Ria Ricis, there are several personality aspects that are known to influence the personality of the characters in the novel, namely in the form of good, sympathy, bad personality, hardworking person, likes to help, lying person, personal who do not give up quickly, and php.

How to Cite
Rimosan, S., & Santosa, V. (2022). Penokohan dan Alur Cerita dalam Novel ”Bukan Buku Nikah” Karya Ria Ricis. Prosiding Seminar Nasional IKIP Budi Utomo, 3(01), 337-344.
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