Asal Usul Nama Pabrikan di Desa Purorejo Kecamatan Tempursari Kabupaten Lumajang

  • Tania Try Apriliasari Pendidikan Sejarah dan Sosiologi, IKIP Budi Utomo
  • Rizki Agung Novariyanto Pendidikan Sejarah dan Sosiologi, IKIP Budi Utomo
Keywords: Origin, name of Pabrikan


This study aims to explain the history of the origin of the name of the village of Pabrikan within the village of Purorejo,Tempursari distric, and see what relics exists or still exist within the village of Pabrikan , Tempursari dictric, Lumajang distric. This study uses a qualitative method  with the kind of historical research. Data collection techniques using dokumentation and interview techniques. The implementation stage of this research uses four stages namely, the heuristic stage, the source criticism stage, the verivication stage and the historiography stage. This data analysis could be a descriptive analysis to clarify of the origin of the name of the village of Pabrikan within the village of Purorejo, Tempursari sub-distric and to find out what relics exist or still exist in the village of Pabrikan, tempursari sub-distic, Lumajang district.

How to Cite
Apriliasari, T., & Novariyanto, R. (2022). Asal Usul Nama Pabrikan di Desa Purorejo Kecamatan Tempursari Kabupaten Lumajang. Prosiding Seminar Nasional IKIP Budi Utomo, 3(01), 123-133.
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