Fenomena Culture Shock Mahasiswa Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka 2 (PMM 2) IKIP Budi Utomo

  • Jauza Naja Mulya Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
Keywords: Culture shock, PMM


This study aims to describe the culture shock phenomenon that occurs in an independent student exchange (PMM) on the IKIP Budi Utomo campus. The approach used in this research is a descriptive quantitative method, which aims to explain the culture shock experienced by PMM students on the IKIP Budi Utomo Campus. The data collection technique is done by using a distributed questionnaire. The total population of the study was 257 people, and the sample consisted of 57 PMM students from different universities. The results show the category of culture shock from the environment, consisting of weather, food, transportation, and language. Adaptation efforts are being made by increasing interaction and learning the language and culture on the IKIP Budi Utomo campus. The results of communication depend on the competence of intercultural communication and the character of each individual

How to Cite
Mulya, J., & Taka, D. D. (2022). Fenomena Culture Shock Mahasiswa Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka 2 (PMM 2) IKIP Budi Utomo. Prosiding Seminar Nasional IKIP Budi Utomo, 3(01), 244-253. https://doi.org/10.33503/prosiding.v3i01.2482
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