Pengaruh Sosiologi Pendidikan Dalam Meningkatkan Karakter Siswa SMA Babussalam

  • Mudassir Mudassir IKIP Budi Utomo Malang
  • Puspita Pebri Setiani IKIP Budi Utomo
Keywords: Sosiologi Pendidikan, , Pendidikan Karakter, SMA Babussalam


Sociology of education is very influential in the lives of individuals, because basically sociology is a science that discusses the interaction between individuals and individuals, individuals with groups, and groups with groups. Sociology of education is very influential in human life, especially in the field of character formation, because character building for humans is not only the provision of subject matter, but extra education which is always instilled in humans. In character education instilled in humans will affect human nature, the most prominent and very ethical trait in this influence is obedience. Sociology of education is very influential in the formation of the character of human obedience. From here the researcher found a problem that was obtained from the observation of an educational institution, namely Babussalam High School which in this observation the researcher found some Babussalma students were lessorderly towards the rules, therefore the researchers found several problem formulations namely: How is the system of implementing regulations as an increase in student compliance in Babussalam High School? How is the application of educational sociology to improve the character of obedience in Babusalam High School students?. The approach in this study uses descriptive and qualitative methods. The source of this research data was obtained from several interviews conducted by the researcher on the Babussalam High School Teacher Council and several Babussalam High School students as well as repeated observations made by the researchers at the research site. Data collection from this study was taken from interview descriptions which were written in the form of words and sorted into paragraphs by paragraphs contained in the research sheets. The results of this study indicate that the sociology of education is very influential on the character of student compliance, and the teacher as a central figure in the world of education also contributes to the influence of the character of student compliance. Therefore, the researcher has several important suggestions for educators to apply the sociology of education because it is very influential on student compliance, besides that students are also obliged to establish themselves as good role models for their students.
How to Cite
Mudassir, M., & Setiani, P. (2022). Pengaruh Sosiologi Pendidikan Dalam Meningkatkan Karakter Siswa SMA Babussalam. Prosiding Seminar Nasional IKIP Budi Utomo, 3(01), 355-365.
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