Analisis Kebutuhan Pengembangan Multimedia Interaktif SEAR (Science Edutainment Augmented Reality) Berbasis Multiple Intelligences pada Materi Sel

  • Primadya Anantyarta
  • Saidatul Enik IKIP Budi Utomo
Keywords: Interactive Multimedia, Edutainment, Multiple Intelligences


The industrial revolution that emerged in the 18th century became a unique phenomenon when compared to its three predecessor revolutions. This momentum requires academics to be able to explore through various technological facilities. However, the reality on the ground shows that the use of technology by students for entertainment still dominates. Another fact shows that the majority of teachers use one type of media repeatedly, causing a sense of media saturation. The learning process that only emphasizes the cognitive aspect also causes other types of intelligence to be less developed. Another impact of continuous use of technology causes students to only interact with machines. This kind of learning system does not facilitate the differentiation of the characteristics of learning styles and multidimensional intelligence of students, so it is necessary to innovate learning media that utilizes technology in a humanistic manner. This study aims to analyze and collect information related to the types of revolutionary learning media needs that open up opportunities for constructive and fun learning concepts accompanied by real learning experiences. The research method used a questionnaire containing 15 questions for Biology teachers and 16 questions for class XI and XII students. The results showed that respondents needed the development of interactive multimedia that could empower students' intelligence domains according to their respective learning styles by synergizing the concept of education and the context of entertainment (edutainment) in harmony.

How to Cite
Anantyarta, P., & Enik, S. (2022). Analisis Kebutuhan Pengembangan Multimedia Interaktif SEAR (Science Edutainment Augmented Reality) Berbasis Multiple Intelligences pada Materi Sel. Prosiding Seminar Nasional IKIP Budi Utomo, 3(01), 366-376.
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